Wednesday, March 14, 2007

WE DID IT!! (be warned that this's a super long post)

I LOVE my FYP group! Love you Serene and Jiali! You both have been great teammates and friends! All the nights spent on this FYP - whether it's on SCWO or something else, have been worth it!

For those who don't know what great things we've done, let me share with you...

We started this project in December from scratch - and somewhat disheartened from the hiccups we've met along the way.

It was a meeting with the manager of SCWO (Singapore Council of Women's Organisation) on what they intended to do.

After which, off we go with 3 days of coming out with, carrying out and compiling the survey results. More ideas were thought up of to beef up the plan, and viola~ a presentation to the rest of the committee a week later.

We came up with the logo design and the concept behind the whole campaign...

And the media kit to pitch to sponsors and advertisers...

After which, we came out with the tickets...

And the poster...

And e-banner...

How can I leave out the handy guide... distributed at all Giordano, Amore and Cafe Cartel outlets?

Meanwhile, we held a Photo Contest. Do check them out at! There're some really beautiful pictures there!

And so there are the posters and e-banner for the photo contest too...

And there's also the press releases, media invites and media teasers to the media too!

And we were even featured on The New Paper!

Before the carnival date, we also had 2 campus roadshows to promote carnival...

And finally, the main event!

Meet the people behind all these hard work!

And now we're left with the report and presentation. Wish us luck!

This post is contributed by Winnie's Goddess.

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