Sunday, August 03, 2008

Singapore Garden Festival

My Goddess and her family went down to the Singapore Garden Festival last weekend as she had a pair of free tickets.

The flower displays there were really nice. Pictures say louder than words. So here are some are some of pictures she has taken:

Orchids Display at Level 4

The Clarins Garden Display
Yummy cakes!

The flower arrangement competition. And the theme - Casino

The beautiful displays at Level 6

And my top picks are:

Because my Goddess took a real beautiful shot of this

This is a garden that I hope to live in - couch at the back, white grand piano on the left and white violin on the left (not in picture)

The mystical garden that looks like what you can find in fairy tales

And finally, the underwater display that blows out bubbles when there is music

And to end off, let me show you the pot of plant that my Goddess bought to brighten up her office.

Now her eyes can rest with the greens after staring at the computer for too long.

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