Monday, September 15, 2008

Attack of the Aliens!!!

A recent sighting was spotted at Suntec City Mall. A group of aliens have landed on a pool found right outside Suntec City Mall.

These aliens are found living in huge, round and transparent balls and they can't seem to move around much.

My Goddess being the brave adventurer she is, decided to go investigate the matter...

Morphing into an alien!!

Don't ask me what my Goddess is trying to do

Apparently, this alien spaceship can make people do crazy things, like imagining that they are things they are not.

And now my Goddess really thinks she's a mermaid

This 'spaceship' is available for all the adventurous ones who dare to try this out at Suntec City Mall until the end of the month. Be warned, try this if you dare, for you may turn into unimaginable creatures.

*No humans were harmed during the course of picture taking. Anything featured here that is similar to real-life is merely coincidental.

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