I'm so glad that there're people who are actually reading my blog! If only I can turn the number of comments that I have recieved into doggie cookies... *woof*
My past few days haven't been very exciting.. that's why the lack of post. All I did was: wake up in the morning, pee, had my breakfast and go back to sleep. When my Goddess wakes up at about 11am or so in the morning, I will go greet her at the staircase through wagging of my tail. Then I will watch her eat her brunch and go back to sleep again. When she's back from her school, I will wag my tail again. After that I will watch her take her dinner while hoping at the same time she'll give me some of her food, especially fruits. After that I will take my dinner, go pee and poo, and hang around the house until everyone goes up to sleep, and I will follow. Once in a while, when I'm bored, I will play with Baa Baa (if you still can remember who she is...)
So basically, there's nothing much exciting going on at the moment. If you want me to talk about something exciting, then I shall talk about pretty babes.
Been watching my Goddess surf her Friendster websites and I realised there are many pretty babes existing in the world.. It is even more amazing that they are actually people that my Goddess know directly or indirectly..
So here are some pictures of them, in no order of merit.. Names are not mentioned to protect their privacy. And in any case any of you feel that your privacy is violated, I will be more than happy to remove the photos..
Just in case you are wondering, I am no lesbian nor bisexual, just like any other doggies, I like to look at babes, that's why. So if you happen to know any other preettyy babes, you can always let me know!
But before I blog off, here are the 2 most beautiful babes in the world...