Friday, February 08, 2008

New Year Visitation

I'm always looking forward to the Lunar New Year! Because this means that I can dress nice nice and go out with the whole family! It's the only day when Goddess' mommy will relent on my endless begging.

This year is hotter, especially with my long fur. So I decided to wear the red singlet instead of my blue kimono.

Dressed in red for the festive season

This year, I was even given an ang bow. Now I can go buy some treats for myself! Or maybe, if I save up, I can buy new clothes for the next new year. Otherwise I'd be wearing the same old thing everywhere.

As usual, I was super duper tired after a whole day (ok, half a day this year) of visitation. So by the time we headed home at night, I was attacked by the Z-monster!!!

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