Sunday, September 05, 2010

Chunky Chunk Fest

My Goddess had an exciting weekend just this week.

First on Saturday, she and her bff, Chewy went to have a free hair makeover, with compliments from Her World and Redken!

Okay, perhaps it wasn't totally complimentary. My Goddess had to take a cab down to the venue cos she was late. And the reason? She wanted to take the train via Bukit Batok then Jurong East and onto the East bound train. My Goddess hardly takes the train, and just this day that she decides to take the train, the MRT interchange at Jurong East just has to be under construction (!) And so she had to spend another 20 minutes on the shuttle bus from Jurong East to Clementi. By then she knew she will be late, and so took a cab down which costs her $16!! So actually the hair makeover actually is not free, but costs $16 :(

In a rush, my Goddess also didn't have much chance to take the before and after pics. I guess you should already know her messy before pic already anyway.

Hair being worked on and
looking like a poodle

Here's the after picture - more curls
(which the Horny Devil doesn't like)
After which, my Goddess, her bff and the Horny Devil headed down to Ben & Jerry's Chunkfest! My Goddess has always wanted to go down to the event each year but didn't do so in the end. This year, she finally made it! Unfortunately, there wasn't any free ice-cream giveaways. Only Moolah dollars for you to redeem B&J's goodies.

The event was really colourful and fun, and they had a good time taking crazy pics.

They bought 3 scoops of ice-cream to share - some maple flavour one, one is peacon and the last vanilla health bar.

It all looks the same from here

And here's how the Moolah looks like - damn cute
The ice-cream was fantastic, the setup was great. There were mats laid all over for people to sit around and enjoy the band performances. The bands weren't great unfortunately, but the ice-creams, great photo ops and fabulous company made up for it.

And yes, they love ice-cream and so do I!
Then on Sunday, my Goddess and the Horny Devil went for a marriage preparation seminar organised by SPH and MarriageCentral. Although topics covered were things that were already known, it surfaced the topics to the top of mind and there were some form of self-actualization in some ways.

For example, listening before talking, never use divorce in your arguments, respecting the difference between men and women, budgeting your finances, coming together to decide the spending ceiling to consult each other etc.

But some interesting things that were brought to light to my Goddess were, M actually decreases pleasure of S because the grip and hence sensual pleasure is different. And lubricants kill sperms, so if you are trying to conceive, do not use them.

The participants were also given a very useful guidebook which have several chapters covering the different areas of contention you will encounter with your spouse. There are what to do and not to dos, and pages of which you pledge your commitment in certain areas to each other.

Some good points include:
  • Marriage only works when you don't expect the moon and stars to shine brightly all the time. Unnecessary expectations put unnecessarily strain on r/s.
  • If you marry a sunflower, don't expect it to smell like a rose. Trying to change your spouse to suit you will only end up in great despair and frustration.
  • Don't be frustrated if your spouse doesn't respond in the same way as you. Remember that his or her uniqueness is what attracted you in the first place.
These are really relevant and true points which we neglect all the time. Guess my Goddess will keep the guidebook with her, read it on and off, so as to keep the marriage (to-be) going. Along the way, if she reads some interesting points and have time to share with me, I will share them with you too.

Here's me/the Horny Devil signing off on a lighter note.


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