Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy Halloween

Can't stand people who dress up sexily for Halloween - it's supposed to be a scary/horror dress-up, not a chance for you to wear skimpily.

Anyway, my Goddess and the Horny Devil went to the Night Safari's Halloween special. This is their first Halloween visit even though it has been around for a long time. The experience was quite fun as the ghosts were really very nicely made up.

To make things more fun, and also to do crazy things before they get married and old, the two of them played dress-up too - my Goddess has a ghost girl and the Horny Devil 如花, the ugly Chinese woman.

He was supposed to dress up as Edward Scissorshand, but in the end he was inspired by a You Tube 'How to dress up like an Ugly Bitch' video.


So here's how they look in the end.

My Goddess met some long-lost friends...

And some ghosts weren't that scary after all...

The most exciting part of the event was the 'Gui' Mansion, otherwise known as the Ghost Mansion. It's a new extension to Night Safari - where they built a ghost house from a tent. Amazing~

But too bad they queued like an hour plus for a 5 minute walk. And it would be more exciting if there were tasks for the visitors to do/ story behind the house - so it becomes more like halls' fright night.

The Horny Devil likes this pic the best

The Train of Terror ride was very cooling and quite fun. My Goddess especially love the setup of the failed Chinese wedding.

This is more scary than the ghosts!

Vodoo Boyfriend Doll is all ready for the ride

Too bad their friends were tired after the train ride. If not my Goddess and the Horny Devil would have taken the foot trail to see more ghosts - make their money's worth, hah.

Shagged out

So this was what happened two weeks ago, I know this is a little belated, but here's my Goddess and I wishing you a Happy Halloween 2010. Till we talk about this next year~


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