Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Review

Remember in my last post not too long ago, my Goddess complained that her eyeshadow doesn't stay and she wished for a Urban Decay Eyeshadow primer for her birthday? Knowing that no one would actually get for her, she decided to get one for herself.

And the packaging of the primer has changed - it's no longer the stick tube which other users reviewed that they can't get the last bit of the primer out. It's now in tube form, which means you can squeeze every single drop out now! No more wastage, more value-for-money!

As it is supposedly a magic potion, it comes in a cute potion like tube. Even the packaging is in velvet and royal purple.

Let's hope that it can really work magic too!

And so my Goddess tried it on - doesn't leave on any colour at all which is exactly what my Goddess wanted. And very importantly, it isn't sticky or glittery.

Then she put on eyeshadow and went for a whole tiring day of flea!

The place was super duper hot - no aircon, hardly any fan. She was perspiring like a pig! Fortunately for her, she has gotten herself a dedicated husband who spent the whole day with her at the flea.

The 2 老板娘s - as if - my Goddess didn't even earn enough from the flea to cover her whole expenses for the day!

Anyway, that's not the main point of this post - such sad things are best to be forgotten. The primer left her eyeshadow staying on the whole day, even with all the perspiration! And so my Goddess' take on the primer - a must buy!

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