Thursday, March 01, 2012

New Glasses

My Goddess has long wanted to change her specs since she has been having this pair for the longest time - as long as she has been with the Horny Devil or even longer! However each time she would remind herself that she hardly wears them out, her old pair is still working, why waste the money.

And the opportunity finally came one morning, when she woke up to find this! She has the habit of placing her specs on their queen-sized bed at night before she sleeps and has been doing so for the past almost one year, and nothing has happened.

If you still can't figure out what's wrong with the specs, look closer.

And so not wanting to be blind at night, she went to make herself a new pair. In the end she still decided to go with plastic frames one, probably in the hope that the big frames will distract people away from her round face.

Thinking that since she went to Bras Basah Complex, it would have costed much cheaper since Bras Basah is such a lao kok kok building. But the specs actually cost her $200!!! The only thing she got was to a lens that less thick for her blinding 500 degrees and with UV protection. Till now, I'm still wondering if my Goddess got kena cheated or not for such a simple, brandless plastic frame since she wore like nice nice work wear to get her specs done.

Well, at least she doesn't have to fiddle around in her room like a blind bat now.

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