Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wedding Tips & Advice: Hairstyles

Ok, it's been a while since I've updated the tips and advice that I have been giving for BTBs. Here's the next one!

Tip #3: Store the pictures, especially of the hair that you really like. Then discuss with your MUA if the styles fit you.

My Goddess spent days ploughing through the sites she recommended previously, and saved every picture of hairstyles that looked nice and a possible hairstyle for her.

First you've got the half-ups - girly and dainty.

Then the full downs - sexy and womanly. Loved the fringe of the left picture!

And of course, the full bun - the classic hairdo, perfect for hot weathers like Singapore. And little would you have imagined that even buns have so many different types that you can choose from right? There is the classic Audrey Hepburn style on the top left, and the girly one on the bottom left. How about the modern bun on the top and middle right?

And these flowy updos - sexy and glamorous. Good to go with evening gowns.

There were so many hairstyles to choose from and my Goddess simply couldn't make up her mind on what to do! And the final two hairdos that she chose?

The half-do for her ROM and 1st march-in, to create to really sweet look and innocent look.

And then a wavy and soft bun for the bright and glamorous evening gown.

I know my Goddess looks kinda constipated in this picture, but I think this is the best angle to show the similarity of the hairstyles. Even the curl at the end is at the same angle! And I think the two hairstyles that my Goddess requested for matched about 90%, if not more, don't you think?

Of course, the choose-your-hairstyle-and-get-your-stylist-to-match-it method can only work if you've got a super pro and experienced makeup artist, which my Goddess did.  And she's none other than Vivi from La Belle Couture! If not for her, I think my Goddess would not look so gorgeous, almost like a real goddess that night.

And also, you must be certain of the look that you want to take. If you aren't sure, you can always leave it up to your MUA. But 1) make sure you have a good look at her portfolio and make sure that her style is what you can accept and imagine on yourself 2) At least give your MUA an idea on what you like/dislike so he/she can at least have a gauge.

Nevertheless, a picture says a thousand words. Nothing beats showing him/her the picture that you would really like to have, and in case there's a miscommunication and the style didn't turn out as you would have expected it. This day is after all a very important day to us girls. Better be more hardworking to do more research to ensure that you look your best on that day right?

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